Josh Callaghan

Joshua Callaghan / 
Futility Poles, 2007 / 
wood, wire, polymer clay, paint, hardware / 
Dimensions variable Each pole: 10 feet (25.4 meters)
Joshua Callaghan / 
Futility Poles (detail), 2007 / 
wood, wire, polymer clay, paint, hardware / 
Dimensions variable Each pole: 10 feet (25.4 meters)
Joshua Callaghan / 
Imperial Walker, 2007 / 
crutches, walkers, aluminum, tennis balls, antennas / 
19 x 25 x 9 1/2 feet (48.3 x 63.5 x 24.1 meters)

2005 MFA, New Genres, University of California Los Angeles
1992 BA, Cultural Anthropology University of North Carolina at Asheville
Portrait of Josh  Callaghan. .
Current exhibitions
24 Jan - 3 Mar 2018
Selected exhibitions

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