Gallery exhibition
Frederick Hammersley
Out of the Blue
11 May
- 15 Jul 2022
press release
artist profile
Takac, Balasz. “L.A. Louver Brings Together Almost Four Decades of Frederick Hammersley's Oeuvre.” Widewalls. 16 May 2022.
L.A. Louver is pleased to present Frederick Hammersley: Out of the Blue, a survey exhibition of the artist’s work from 1945 through the mid-1980s. The exhibition includes a wide range of medium: painting, drawing, collage, printmaking and photography, and a focus on hard-edge and organic abstraction. Drawn from six private collections, many of the works are being shown publicly for the first time.
Heralded as “one of the most sophisticated painters to emerge in post-war Los Angeles,” (Hunter Drohojowska-Philp) and his paintings “the best-kept secrets in the art world and easily the most ravishing… full of rigor and cosmopolitan wit,” (Dave Hickey), this exhibition encapsulates the rich diversity of Hammersley’s creativity.