Museum exhibition
LACMA × Snapchat
Monumental Perspectives (Collection III)
Rise, 2023 / 
Alison Saar is one the participating artists in LACMA's latest round of augmented reality projects
Los Angeles, CA
7 Sep 2023 - 30 Jun 2024

Included Alison Saar
Alison Saar is one the participating artists in LACMAs latest round of augmented reality projects.

From the LACMA website:

Alison Saar’s monument, Rise, creates space for the viewer to remember those lost, and those who survived the abuses of the colonization and commodification of women–specifically those of Black, Brown, and Indigenous heritage. Rise embodies Saar’s response to the current attack on reproductive rights and threats made to the sovereignty of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and female bodies, and serves as a catalyst for conversation and dialogues which will bring these issues to light, inspiring compassion and activism.

Saar calls on the goddess Yemaya, a mother spirit; patron spirit of women, especially pregnant women, who commands creation, water, rivers, lakes, streams, and shipwreck survivors in the Yoruba religion. In Saar’s work, Yemaya is surrounded by swarming catfish, doves, cowrie and conch shells, wields a cane knife, and blows on a conch shell, calling women to resist the forces that want to control their freedom and reproductive rights, especially women of color who have historically had their bodies colonized.

Rise is accompanied by an excerpt read and written by author Desiree C. Bailey. Her poem Chant for the Waters and Dirt and Blade is followed by original music played on the conch shell by Avila Santos.

Rise may be experienced at Santa Monica State Beach beginning this fall or from anywhere on Snapchat by searching in Lens Explorer or scanning the QR code below.
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