Hockney and Piero
A Longer Look
Bern Schwartz / 
David Hockney, 5 July 1977 / 
dye transfer print / 
NPG P1183 / 
© National Portrait Gallery, London
David Hockney / 
My Parents, 1977 / 
Oil on canvas, 182.9 × 182.9 cm / 
Tate, purchased 1981 / 
© David Hockney. Photo: Tate, London
David Hockney / 
Looking at Pictures on a Screen, 1977 / 
Oil on canvas, 188 x 188 cm / 
Private collection / 
© David Hockney
Photo showing David Hockney at a press showing of his
Piero della Francesca, about 1415/20 - 1492 / 
The Baptism of Christ / 
probably about 1437–1445 / 
Egg tempera on poplar / 
167 × 116 cm / 
© The National Gallery, London
Piero della Francesca, about 1415/20 - 1492 / 
The Baptism of Christ / 
probably about 1437–1445 / 
Egg tempera on poplar / 
167 × 116 cm / 
© The National Gallery, London
The National Gallery
London, UK
8 Aug - 27 Oct 2024

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