Museum exhibition
Leon Kossoff
Drawing from Painting
From Titian: Venus and Adonis / 
      Black and coloured chalks on paper / 
      55.2 x 68.5 cm
Leon Kossoff / 
Christchurch Spitalfields, 1999 / 
      Oil on board / 
      213 x 203.5 cm
From Rembrandt: Ecce Homo, 1999 / 
Oil on board / 
142 x 122 cm / 
Private collection
From Velázquez: Don Sebastián de Morra, mid 1980s / 
      Oil on board  / 
      42 x 31.7 cm
From Velázquez: Francisco Lezcano, mid 1980s / 
      Oil on board  / 
      45 x 33 cm
From Poussin: The Triumph of Pan, 1998 / 
Oil on board / 
135 x 143 cm
From Titian: The Flaying of Marsyas / 
      Charcoal, pastel and oil paint on paper / 
      57.5 x 59.5 cm
From Veronese: The Consecration of Saint Nicholas / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      76.2 x 56 cm
From Veronese: The Consecration of Saint Nicholas / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      76.2 x 56 cm
From Veronese: The Consecration of Saint Nicholas / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      76.2 x 56 cm
From Veronese: The Adoration of the Kings / 
      Etching (unique print) / 
      image 54.8 x 45.3 cm
From Veronese: The Adoration of the Kings / 
      Black and coloured chalks on paper / 
      65.7 x 54.2 cm
From Veronese: The Adoration of the Kings / 
      Black chalk on paper  / 
      67 x 58.5 cm
From Veronese: Allegory of Love, II (‘Scorn’) / 
      Mixed media on paper / 
      56 x 55 cm
From Veronese: Allegory of Love, IV (‘Happy Union’) / 
      Mixed media on paper / 
      57.2 x 56 cm
From Rubens: Minerva protects Pax from Mars  / 
      Etching / 
      image 45 x 60.5 cm
From Rubens: Minerva protects Pax from Mars  / 
      Etching / 
      image 41 x 57 cm
From Rubens: The Judgement of Paris / 
      Etching (second state) / 
      image 25.1 x 22.9 cm
From Rubens: The Judgement of Paris / 
      Charcoal and pastel on paper / 
      56.5 x76 cm
From Rembrandt: The Lamentation over the Dead Christ / 
      Etching (unique print) / 
      image 45 x 39.5 cm
From Rembrandt: The Lamentation over the Dead Christ / 
      Black, white and brown chalks / 
      32 x 24.6 cm  / 
      The British Museum, London (1995–5–6–15)
From Rembrandt: Portrait of Margaretha de Geer / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      38 x 25.5 cm
From Rembrandt: Portrait of Margaretha de Geer / 
      Black and coloured chalks on paper / 
      38 x 28 cm
From Rembrandt: Ecce Homo / 
      Coloured chalks on paper  / 
      59.3 x 50.8 cm
From Rembrandt: Ecce Homo / 
      Etching (unique print) / 
      image 55 x 42.6 cm / 
Private collection
From Rembrandt: A Woman bathing in a Stream / 
      Etching (unique print) / 
      image 19 x 15 cm
From Constable: Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows / 
Softground etching and aquatint (unique print) / 
image 43 x 55.5cm
From Constable: Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows / 
      Etching, aquatint and softground etching in red ink (unique print) / 
      image 42.8 x 55.5 cm
From Constable: Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows / 
      Softground etching and aquatint (unique print) / 
      image 42.7 x 55 cm
From Degas: Combing the Hair (‘La Coiffure’) / 
      Drypoint (unique print) / 
      image 45.5 x 60.2 cm
From Degas: Hélène Rouart in her Father’s Study / 
      Brown chalk on paper / 
      50.7 x 38.1 cm
From Cézanne: The Temptation of Saint Anthony / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      56.8 x 72.8 cm
From Rembrandt: The Blinding of Samson / 
      Chalk and ink on paper / 
      55 x 67 cm
From Cézanne: Christ in Limbo / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      72.5 x 56.5 cm
From Constable: Stoke-by-Nayland / 
      Drypoint / 
      image 44.5 x 54.7 cm
From Constable: Stoke-by-Nayland / 
      Drypoint with dark surface tone / 
      45.2 x 54.7 cm
From Velázquez: Christ after the Flagellation, / 
      contemplated by the Christian Soul / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      42 x 59.2 cm
From Goya: Sketch for Summer or Harvesting / 
      Coloured chalks on paper / 
      56 x 81.2 cm
From Goya: Sketch for Summer or Harvesting / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      56 x 81.5 cm
From Goya: The Hermitage at San Isidro / 
      Coloured chalks on paper  / 
      54.2 x 48.3 cm
From Goya: The Meadow of San Isidro / 
      Coloured chalks on paper / 
      55.6 x 81.2 cm
From Goya: Making Shot in the Sierra de Tardienta / 
      Coloured chalks on paper / 
      42 x 59.5 cm
From Goya: Making Powder in the Sierra de Tardienta / 
      Coloured chalks on paper / 
      42 x 59.5 cm
From Goya: Procession of Flagellants / 
      Black and coloured chalks on paper / 
      45.5 x 74.7 cm
From Goya: ‘Auto de Fe’ of the Inquisition / 
      Charcoal on paper / 
      55.5 x 81 cm / 
      Private collection
From Goya: Bullfight in a village  / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      56 x 76 cm
From Goya: The Madhouse / 
      Black chalk on paper / 
      55.7 x 81.2 cm
From Poussin: A Bacchanalian Revel before a Term / 
      Hand coloured etching and drypoint / 
      29.4 x 40 cm / 
From Poussin: Cephalus and Aurora / 
      Pastel, charcoal and ink on paper / 
      57.8 x 74.9 cm / 
      Private collection
From Poussin: The Triumph of Pan, 1990s  / 
      Coloured chalks on paper / 
      51.2 x 59.4 cm / 
      Private collection
From Poussin: The Destruction and the Sack of the Temple / 
      of Jerusalem / 
      Etching and aquatint (unique print) / 
      image 50 x 59.9 cm
From Poussin: The Destruction and the Sack of the Temple of Jerusalem / 
      Coloured chalks and felt pen on paper  / 
      56 x 66.5 cm
From Poussin: The Rape of the Sabines / 
      Black and white chalk on paper / 
      56 x 76.5 cm / 
From Poussin: The Judgement of Solomon / 
      Etching (unique print) / 
      image 42.8 x 59.5 cm
From Poussin: A Bacchanalian Revel before a Term / 
      Etching (unique print) / 
      image 40.8 x 57 cm
From Poussin: Landscape with a Man killed by a Snake / 
      Etching and aquatint (unique print) / 
      image 42.5 x 58.9 cm
From Poussin: Landscape with a Man killed by a Snake / 
      Charcoal and pastel on paper / 
      56.2 x 75.6 cm / 
The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
London, England
14 Mar - 1 Jul 2007

artist profile

Selected articles

Campbell, Peter. "At the National Gallery."
London Review of Books. 18 May 2007, Vol. 29 No. 9
full article, PDF

Sinclair, Iain. "London calling."
Guardian Unlimited Books, 10 March 2007.
full article, PDF

Campbell - Johnston, Rachel. "Pencils on the Past."
The Times [London]. 14 March 2007, p.17.

Darwent, Charles. "New Life for Old Masters."
Sunday Independent [London]. 8 April 2007, p. 13.

Glover, Michael. "Forever a Student of Old Masters."
Financial Times [London]. 28 March 2007, p.13.

Hensher, Philip. "Hits as Big as This are Never Flukes."
Mail on Sunday [London]. 18 March 2007, p.75.
Selected video

Leon Kossoff consented to a rare television interview with Nicholas Glass and Jon Snow for the UK's Channel 4 News program. The video features Kossoff discussing his newest paintings, describing the body of work he has created in response the Old Master works at the National Gallery, and taking the journalists on a tour of his most beloved paintings in the museum's collection.